Fields of operation
EWATER has legal personality, private seal, separated from Space Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company. The headquarter located in Ho Chi Minh City.
EWATER operates in the following areas:
- Bidding consultancy, investment project preparation. Making technical design – cost estimation. Consulting, supervising, supervising and evaluating construction quality.
- Construction consulting, civil and industrial construction design, traffic construction design. Design of irrigation works, water supply and wastewater treatment.
- Consulting in activities on water resources, environment, meteorology and climate change. Investigate, collect, evaluate, plan, build solutions, plan water resources and plan environmental protection. Implementation of services on environmental pollution prediction, environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment.
- Consulting, appraising, researching, applying and transferring scientific and technical advances in the field of water resources and environment.
- Mapping in water resources, building mathematical models, physics to calculate the flow, spread the material in the river system and aquifers.
- Surveying, measuring terrain and map. Measuring environmental parameters, environmental monitoring services.
Developing a database of GIS geographic information systems. Building a specialized database in the field of environment, water resources, meteorology and climate change.