Consultancy for hydraulic modeling Enhancing Resilience of Mekong Delta Region Secondary Cities Grant support to the proposed Scaling up Urban Upgrading Project (SUUP)”, 2017.

Consultancy for hydraulic modeling Enhancing Resilience of Mekong Delta Region Secondary Cities Grant support to the proposed Scaling up Urban Upgrading Project (SUUP)”, 2017.

  • Project: “Consultancy for hydraulic modeling Enhancing Resilience of Mekong Delta Region Secondary Cities Grant support to the proposed Scaling up Urban Upgrading Project (SUUP)”, 2017.

The proposed SUUP Project is meant to improve accessibility of basic infrastructures located in low-income regions. The outcome are expected to enhance connectivity of primary infrastructure system and the ability to integrate urban planning with city resilience. Broader urban development agenda will serve via primary and secondary infrastructure investments with a vision to improve connectivity of infrastructure network. This project will promote the growing of climate change adaptation and eco-friendly infrastructures which lead to increase accessibility of public spaces and enhance urban planning quality, land management and cityresilience

The overall objective of the consultancy which is specified in TOR, is to construct a tool to support the cities in sustainable urban management with natural risk integration including river discharge and tidal inundation.

Mô hình mưa dòng chảy cho ĐBSCL
(Rainfall runoff model for Mekong downstream)
Mô hình thuỷ lực cho ĐBSCL
(Hydraulic model for Mekong downstream)