Handling erosion of Can Giuoc river, Can Giuoc district, Long An province, 2018.

Handling erosion of Can Giuoc river, Can Giuoc district, Long An province, 2018.

  • Handling erosion of Can Giuoc river, Can Giuoc district, Long An province, 2018.

In this project, EWATER has carried out the survey, topographical, geological, hydrological, civil, economic, compensatory compensation of the project area. Handling erosion of Can Giuoc river, Can Giuoc district, Long An province.

Determining the synchronization of construction items, designing design documents, work construction drawings, evaluating investment efficiency, making reports to consult competent authorities on economic issues and techniques as well as other related issues to the project of treating erosion of Can Giuoc river, Long An province

Kè bảo vệ bờ sông
(Embankment protects the river bank)
Khu vực sạt lở bờ sông
(River bank erosion area)
Mô phỏng phân bố vận tốc khi triều lên (Simulation of velocity distribution at high tide)
Mô phỏng vận tốc khi triều rút
(Simulation of velocity distribution at low tide)