Development of the Decision Support System (DSS) for Sesan and Srepok River Basins (Mekong), 2018.

Development of the Decision Support System (DSS) for Sesan and Srepok River Basins (Mekong), 2018.

  • Development of the Decision Support System (DSS) for Sesan and Srepok River Basins (Mekong), 2018.

In this project, EWATER has provided national experts to collect datas on topography, meteorology, hydrology; data on land use, water resources exploitation, etc. Set up mathematical model to simulate the flow regime of Se San and Srepok basins. The models including: Rainfall runoff model (NAM, SWAT); (ii) hydraulic model (MIKE 11); (iii) water distribution model (MIKE BASIN); General Operational Model – Support Tools (MIKE OPERATION). Collaborate with international experts to develop the decision support system (DSS) for 02 river basins (Se San and Srepok).

Bản đồ mạng lưới thủy lợi đồng bằng sông Cửu Long
(Mekong Delta irrigation network map)