Research and assessment of socio-economic and climate change to flood; develop an integrated strategy to improve adaptation and response to flooding; Improve capacity, flood forecast in Hochiminh City, 2017.

Research and assessment of socio-economic and climate change to flood; develop an integrated strategy to improve adaptation and response to flooding; Improve capacity, flood forecast in Hochiminh City, 2017.

  • Research and assessment of socio-economic and climate change to flood; develop an integrated strategy to improve adaptation and response to flooding; Improve capacity, flood forecast in Hochiminh City, 2017.

In this project, EWATER has collected data materials, developed mathematical models (NAM, MIKE11 and MIKE 11 GIS) to simulate rainfall runoff and flow caused flooding for Ho Chi Minh City. Scenarios have been developed and simulated taking into account local socioeconomic development and the impact of climate change by 2030 and 2050. Based on the hydrological results, the mapping flooding and proposed mitigation measures for the study area.

Mô phỏng bản đồ hiện trạng ngập Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
(Simulate flood map with current status)
Bản đồ ngập ứng với kịch bản 2030RPC4.5
(Flood map for scenario 2030RPC4.5)