Development of Vietnam Mekong Delta Master Plan to 2030 with an outlook towards to 2050, 2020

Development of Vietnam Mekong Delta Master Plan to 2030 with an outlook towards to 2050, 2020

  • Project: Development of Vietnam Mekong Delta Master Plan to 2030 with an outlook towards to 2050, 2020

The contents include: (i) Spatial GIS-data on existing structures and objects. (ii) Spatial GIS-data on planned structure and objects for 2025, 2030, 2050. (iii) Current and past conditions as known through earlier studies, surveys/ measurments (iv) Current conditions as simulated by existing hydrologic and hydrodynamic models. (v) Future predictions for 2030 and 2050 by existing hydrologic and hydrodynamic models

Bản đồ mạng lưới thủy lợi đồng bằng sông Cửu Long
(Mekong Delta irrigation network map)